Joe Herbert
Joe Herbert practiced as a Certified Public Accountant from 1988 through 1991. Joe has practiced law since 1994. He practices primarily in the area of business law transactions. Joe has launched several programs aimed at benefiting underserved children including GSB (Give Something Back), TAFU (This Ain’t For You) and D.E.F.E.N.N.D. (Dedicated to Empowering the Futures of Economically Neglected Nonviolent Defendants). D.E.F.E.N.N.D. focuses on rescuing children and young adults from the Jim Crow effects of mass incarceration by raising money to pay lawyers to provide first-time nonviolent
defendants with quality legal representation. Joe has helped to win acquittals for 2 defendants facing felony charges and helped a third defendant to get felony charges reduced to a misdemeanor. Assisting the third defendant inspired Joe to start D.E.F.E.N.N.D. From CY 2014 to CY 2016, Joe led a group which operated 2 fast food restaurants focused on providing entry level jobs to underserved children. Joe also provided pro bono legal advice which assisted the Prairie View A&M Foundation in the Foundation’s successful $61 million fundraising campaign for the successful completion of Prairie A&M University’s Panther Football Stadium.